July 11-13, 2024 in Ottawa, ON Canada

From the Organizers
WordCamp Canada is coming! Mark your calendars for July 11-13, 2024, including contributor day on July 11!
We are looking for volunteers and sponsors, so, let us know if your interested.
We are looking for organizers of the WordCamps (Past and Future) all across the country to help us organize, reach out to one of us ASAP, Eh!
WCEH – Our Vision
We wanted the first ever WordCamp Canada to reflect aspects of Canadian society that we feel are distinctive – hence the somewhat tongue in cheek ‘WCEH!’. Canada is a multi-lingual country. This gave us an initial focus on multilingual development and translation. Canada also has a largely positive reputation for multi-culturalism and inclusivity, for embracing…
Call for Volunteers
Are you coming to WordCamp Canada and wish you could be more involved than the average attendee? Volunteers — whether you’re signing on to be responsible for a whole area of event operations or pitching in for an hour or two — are the foundation of every WordCamp, and volunteering is a great way to…
Call for Sponsors
WordCamp Canada is your chance to reach the great northern WordPresser’s Community! We are currently looking for sponsors. Please send this to all your contacts and tell them that they should sponsor, and then sign up yourself! Extra sponsorship opportunities
Call for Speakers
Call for speakers has closed. Greetings, WordPress enthusiasts and professionals! We’re thrilled to open the call for speakers for WordCamp Canada, focusing on a theme that resonates deeper than just technology – the impact of WordPress on diverse communities and practices. While we’re eager to hear from Canadian voices, we welcome insights from around the…