A stylized vista; a lake surrounded by mountains and trees with a sunset in the background and a canoe nestled in the rocks on the shoreline

Intro to WordPress Day

Intro to WordPress Day at WordCamp Canada 2024 is a full day series of sessions on WordPress basics to help get your WordPress website started, or help you get more done on the site you have. Intro to WordPress Day will be on July 11th. See full schedule for all the sessions.

The morning session will be “Intro to WordPress“. An introduction to WordPress intended to help those who are beginners/new to WordPress become acquainted with WordPress, it’s concepts and vocabulary before the main WordCamp sessions. In this session we’ll start with an overview of the dashboard, including WordPress settings, managing users, and adding themes and plugins. Next we’ll learn how to add, publish, edit and manage content in the Block Editor. Finally we will add the content to the site menus, as well as customize the headers, and footers in the Site Editor.

After a break for lunch – which is included, the plan is to install a “Local WordPress” on your laptop in “Start your own WordPress Site“. (Please bring your laptops!) With a local WordPress install, you will have your own WordPress site that you can use to explore WordPress, try themes and plugins, or work on a website to be published. Once it’s ready to be launched, you can copy your site to a public web-server for the world to see. We’ll round out the afternoon with you getting started on creating your site: setting up a theme, adding plugins and content.

Signup for Intro to WordPress Day

To take part in Intro to WordPress Day please fill out the form below. While Intro to WordPress Day is included in your ticket to WordCamp Canada (which is required to attend the day), a separate signup is needed to help us plan for lunch/coffee etc.

Please note:

  1. Please bring a laptop to the afternoon sessions.
  2. Only one signup is required for Contributor Day, no matter which sessions you will be attending.
My WordPress experience is:(required)

I want to learn more about WordPress because:(required)