Intro to WordPress

Rick Radko

An introduction to WordPress intended to help those who are beginners/new to WordPress become acquainted with WordPress, it’s concepts and vocabulary before the main WordCamp sessions.

In this session we’ll start with an overview of the dashboard, including WordPress settings, managing users, and adding themes and plugins. Next we’ll learn how to add, publish, edit and manage content in the Block Editor. Finally we will add the content to the site menus, as well as customize the headers, and footers in the Site Editor.

While Intro to WordPress Day is included in your ticket to WordCamp Canada (which is required to attend the day), a separate signup is needed to help us plan for lunch/coffee etc. Please use the button below to sign up for Intro to WordPress Day. If you have registered for the afternoon session, you’re all good, only one registration is needed.

Presented by Rick Radko

