Start your own WordPress Site

Rick Radko

In this afternoon session for Intro to WordPress day, the plan is to install a “Local WordPress” on your laptop. Please bring your laptops!

With a local WordPress install, you will have your own WordPress site that you can use to explore WordPress, try themes and plugins, or work on a website to be published. Once it’s ready to be launched, you can copy your site to a public web-server for the world to see.

After installing a WordPress on your laptop, we’ll round out the afternoon with you getting started on creating your site: setting up a theme, adding plugins and content.

** If you already have hosting, you can install a site and work on it there if you would prefer.

While Intro to WordPress Day is included in your ticket to WordCamp Canada (which is required to attend the day), a separate signup is needed to help us plan for lunch/coffee etc. If you have not already registered for the morning session, please use the button below to sign up for Intro to WordPress Day. Only one registration is needed.

