Track: Out East, B’y

  • Panel: Multilingual Development

    A discussion around issues and challenges that come up when developing multilingual sites in the WordPress ecosystem.  Panelists will present and contrast a handful of available solutions with real-life examples and stories.  Information will be relevant and useful for developers intermediate and above, as well as those leading or interacting with developers.  There will be…

  • Working in WordPress With American Companies

    Throughout my career, I’ve had the unique opportunity to work extensively with organizations based in the U.S., and I’ve gathered invaluable insights into why these opportunities came my way, and how others can potentially navigate similar paths. This session aims to outline the reasons behind my career trajectory, including the strategic decisions and networking approaches…

  • Beware: Your About Page May Be Costing You Clients!

    Uncovers the hidden dangers lurking within your website’s About Page. In today’s digital landscape, neglecting this crucial element could cost you valuable clients and opportunities. Discover the subtle yet significant ways an ineffective About Page can sabotage your online presence and learn practical strategies to transform it into a powerful asset. Don’t let your About…

  • WordPress: Empowering the Underserved in Rural Ontario

    Take a journey with Lucas Rodriguez, a down-to-earth entrepreneur, as he shares his story of making websites for business owners in small towns in rural Ontario. Lucas, a Latino designer, talks about the ups and downs he faced and how he’s using the magic of WordPress to help communities that often get overlooked. In this…

  • Understanding and Mitigating the Biggest Threats to WordPress Today: You and Your Users

    The prevailing opinion in the WordPress community today is that plugin vulnerabilities are the primary and most effective attack vectors leading to compromised sites. It’s actually compromised user accounts (possibly in combination with one or more vulnerabilities) that lead to hacked sites. Current research shows stolen sessions and account credentials are the targets threat actors…

  • Working across timezones as a productive developer

    More and more of us work remotely and often work with people across multiple timezones. I’ve been working remotely for over a decade now and have honed a good routine for doing so while still adapting as situations, teams, and timezones change. The talk will cover tips and tricks for working remotely, asynchronous communication etiquette,…

  • Underrepresented in Tech: the Journey to Amplify Others

    In 2019 Allie Nimmons and Michelle Frechette grew tired of people constantly asking if they knew any black people who could speak at events or be guests on podcasts. So they set out to create a spreadsheet of folks that they knew in the WordPress space. But about 20 rows into that Google sheet, they…

  • Thriving with WordPress Community

    Being a part of a community member and contributing to several programs and events can help you bring new opportunities. I will share my experience regarding my contribution to establishing a community and making it bigger in a small city in Nepal where you find limited resources and a small number of people involved in…