Round up of WC-EH posts

It has been great to see lots of positive posts and articles from attendees and speakers about WordCamp Canada 2024. Thank you all for your kind words and for taking the time and effort to post about your experiences.

Here are the ones we’ve found so far – please do send us a link to your post if we have missed it!

“The caliber of the sessions at WordCamp Canada are genuinely some of the best I’ve ever seen.”

“All in all, the entire camp was special. It was extra special because it was in my hometown, but it was special because it was ours. It was Canadian through and through. 

A massive thank you to the organizers and volunteers who made it happen, I look forward to hearing news about another one in the not-too-distant future.”

“First off, major kudos and thanks to the organizers. I have been in their shoes, and they did an amazing job with the first edition of WordCamp Canada. Zero complaints. I cannot sing their praises enough.”

“As I left the Infinity Convention Centre on the final day, I felt a great sense of belonging and a renewed sense of purpose. WordCamp Canada was more than just an event–it was a reminder that we’re all in this together and that together, we can achieve great things.”

“I had the incredible opportunity to bring my team to WordCamp Canada, . . . to showcase our new product, Findstr with Vortex Solution. As the coordinator, this experience has been invaluable for developing new skills . . . It has strengthened my ability to adapt quickly, work effectively under pressure, innovate and achieve outstanding results.”

Other related posts and articles

Our Journey with WordPress: A Retrospective and Invitation | LinkedIn (Patrick Oancia)

Web Hosting Canada (WHC) Post (Day 1) | LinkedIn

Web Hosting Canada (WHC) Post | LinkedIn – “We had an incredible time at WordCamp Canada!”

Arthur Cotton Post | LinkedIn – “I had an incredible experience attending WordCamp Canada 2024, filled with enriching sessions and networking opportunities.”

As Battouly Facebook post

Bringing the “Ayyyyy” to the “eh?” | LinkedIn Marc B.

William Jackson Post | LinkedIn – “Had a phenomenal time at WordCamp Canada in Ottawa. Looking to connect with native and indigenous communities interested in VR, AI and Metaverse workshops.”

Evolving Web Post | LinkedIn – “Our team had a great time with the WordPress community in Ottawa, volunteering at the Registration Desk and the Happiness Bar (the source of WP advice)!”

Mohammadreza Alavi | LinkedIn – “I thoroughly enjoyed these three days and would like to thank the event organizing team for managing and conducting the conference so well.”

Laura I. Zuniga | LInkedIn – “WordPress is not just an open-source platform in the market. It’s also its people and its community. They share with open arms, and you just learn SO much.”

Heather Legault | LinkedIn – “This was such a cool experience and I learned so much! Will definitely be attending any future WCEH events!!”

Melissa Soulliere | LinkedIn – “It’s my first WordCamp and it’s been fantastic!”

Bhuwan Bdr Roka | LinkedIn – “Allie Nimmons and Michelle Frechette’s session on Underrepresented in Tech was incredibly impactful. “

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