Author: Paul Bearne

  • Canadian Music for WCEH

    To get you in the mood for WCEH, we are curating a playlist featuring Canadian music. We’ve started by posting five entries specifically chosen to reflect something of Canada’s cultural and musical diversity, as well as a bit of music history. But to make this a truly interesting list, encompassing different tastes, styles and eras…

  • WordCamp Canada buzz, innovation & opportunities for sponsors

    WordCamp Canada seems genuinely to be creating some buzz! “At WordCamp Phoenix, everyone was talking about WordCamp Canada. It made me especially happy because I know some of their organizers and the hard work they are putting into it. Two things I love about the different approach WordCamp Canada is taking especially are the focus…

  • WCEH – Our Vision

    We wanted the first ever WordCamp Canada to reflect aspects of Canadian society that we feel are distinctive – hence the somewhat tongue in cheek ‘WCEH!’. Canada is a multi-lingual country. This gave us an initial focus on multilingual development and translation. Canada also has a largely positive reputation for multi-culturalism and inclusivity, for embracing…

  • Call for Sponsors

    WordCamp Canada is your chance to reach the great northern WordPresser’s Community! We are currently looking for sponsors. Please send this to all your contacts and tell them that they should sponsor, and then sign up yourself! Extra sponsorship opportunities