What is a WordCamp?

WordCamp is a community-organized conference centered on the WordPress publishing platform. WordCamps are organized, paid for, and attended by the WordPress community in accordance with guidelines created by central.WordCamp.org. This keeps the ticket prices VERY low for a conference of this caliber. WordCamp Canada 2024 tickets are only $75!

While WordCamps are not big expensive conferences, don’t be deterred by the low price, the material shared is highly valuable and presented by a diverse group of experienced members of the WordPress community. It is quite common to see big name speakers at your local WordCamp – WordCamp Canada has quite a few in the schedule.

Everyone who uses WordPress, in any way, at any level, from beginner to experienced developer, should attend WordCamps. Whether you are an author, content creator, marketer, SEO expert, designer, developer, business owner, entrepreneur, or work for non-profits, small or large organizations, you WILL gain valuable knowledge and insight at every WordCamp.

So, what is a WordCamp? WordCamps are generally comprised of 1-3 days of presentations, panels and contributor events. All the activities are highly focused on using WordPress to create websites, or developing for it. Anything related to using WordPress to create or manage websites may be a presentation or panel topic. There is also the Happiness Bar, a WordCamp tradition where experienced members of the WordPress community will be available to help you with your WordPress site, or answer individual WordPress questions. Lunches, coffee, snacks and swag are often (but not always) included. And one must not forget the hallway track – a great place to meet people and share knowledge. Be prepared to have fun at a professional style conference with other people who are just as interested in WordPress as you are (or just as NEW to WordPress as you are).

WordCamp Canada 2024, #WCEH, will have a Contributor day, and an Intro to WordPress Day on July 11th. Both the Contrib day, and Intro day, are included in the ticket, but require signup on forms at the above links. The main event of WordCamp Canada 2024 is 2 full days of presentations and panels in 3 tracks, on July 12th and 13th. Check out the full schedule, loaded experienced and knowledgeable speakers. All 3 days are included in your ticket – but don’t feel that you need to attend all 3 days. Our Happiness Bar will be open on both the 12th and 13th. Lunches, morning and afternoon coffee and a few more surprises are included on all 3 days.

Intro to WordPress Day

New to WordPress?

We’ve added an Introduction to WordPress workshop series on July 11th. Through the two half-day sessions you will learn the WordPress basics to help get your WordPress website started, or help you get more done on the site you have including running WordPress locally. See Intro to WordPress Day for more details and to sign up.


One response to “What is a WordCamp?”

  1. I would love next year to participate to that event! Our team is from Trois-Rivières in Québec and are wondering if by any chance there are WordCamp in french? If not, I could bring people from my team for next year maybe! We need to upgrade our website so it would be a great opportunity!

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