We wanted the first ever WordCamp Canada to reflect aspects of Canadian society that we feel are distinctive – hence the somewhat tongue in cheek ‘WCEH!’.
Canada is a multi-lingual country. This gave us an initial focus on multilingual development and translation.
Canada also has a largely positive reputation for multi-culturalism and inclusivity, for embracing cultural differences rather than assimilation. Alongside this, though, exists an increasing acknowledgement of the need for conscious efforts towards “a renewed nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous Peoples based on recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership.”1 This has informed our desire to focus on indigenous empowerment and perspectives, as well as accessibility, inclusivity, and underrepresented communities in general.
One of our volunteers defines ‘Eh’ as follows:
As a British immigrant, from very early on what ‘Eh’ signified to me at the end of a statement was the willingness to accept that other people might hold different points of view and a preparedness to listen to these. It is therefore in itself ‘inclusive’.
We hope that WCEH will provide an opportunity to listen to a variety of viewpoints, contribute to meaningful dialogue, and inspire growth and change.
1 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca)