Microphone shown from the receiving end with a crowd blurred in the background

Speaker Announcement

We’re thrilled to announce that the speaker selection process for WordCamp Canada has been completed, and we have our stellar lineup ready! Each application was reviewed with great care, reflecting the depth and diversity of the WordPress community. Below, you’ll find the list of talented individuals who will be sharing their insights, experiences, and passion with us. These speakers represent the best and brightest of the WordPress world, and we can’t wait for you to learn from and connect with them. Thank you to everyone who applied and showed interest in making WordCamp Canada an enriching experience for all.

April Fools!

In the spirit of April Fools’ Day, we pulled a little prank! This announcement declaring the final speaker selection for WordCamp Canada was, in fact, just us having a bit of fun. We hope it brought a smile to your faces! The truth is, the selection process has brought forth an incredible array of talent, and we’re just as eager as you are to share the results. The real announcement for the first block of speakers is coming tomorrow. We appreciate your patience and sense of humour as we prepare to reveal the brilliant minds who will truly make this year’s WordCamp Canada unforgettable. Stay tuned, and thank you for being such a fantastic community, ready to share a laugh and support each other. Tomorrow, the wait is over!

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