Category: News

  • Round up of WC-EH posts

    It has been great to see lots of positive posts and articles from attendees and speakers about WordCamp Canada 2024. Thank you all for your kind words and for taking the time and effort to post about your experiences. Here are the ones we’ve found so far – please do send us a link to…

  • A taste of things to come

    A taste of things to come

    The calendar is quickly coming up on July and Canadians are gathering to celebrate important dates like National Indigenous Peoples Day, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day and Canada Day. Throughout those festivities, good family and friends will be enjoying good food which is equally true for WordCamp Canada that will be starting hot on the heels in under…

  • What is a WordCamp?

    WordCamp is a community-organized conference centered on the WordPress publishing platform. WordCamps are organized, paid for, and attended by the WordPress community in accordance with guidelines created by This keeps the ticket prices VERY low for a conference of this caliber. WordCamp Canada 2024 tickets are only $75! While WordCamps are not big expensive…

  • WordCamp Storytelling

    Do you have a story to tell? Speakers at WordCamps are an eclectic bunch. They bring stories of all kinds. Yes, there are tech talks ranging from how to get started to advanced coding techniques and leading-edge trends. But you will also find talks focused on content, lifestyle, community and more. You have only to…

  • WordCamp Canada buzz, innovation & opportunities for sponsors

    WordCamp Canada seems genuinely to be creating some buzz! “At WordCamp Phoenix, everyone was talking about WordCamp Canada. It made me especially happy because I know some of their organizers and the hard work they are putting into it. Two things I love about the different approach WordCamp Canada is taking especially are the focus…